The Power of Past Lives

Janet Kadow
7 min readFeb 5, 2024


The soul’s journey across time and how it manifests today

I have had and seen the most miraculous healing while doing past life readings, journeys, and regressions. Past life readings, journeys, and regressions can bring peace to troubled relationships, alleviate phantom ailments, heal the body, and shed light on the soul’s purpose and gifts.

Pretty miraculous stuff.

It is also exciting to go to another place and time. I have learned so much about world history just by helping others discover their past lives. I have seen short traumatic lives and long, well-lived lives from all varieties of places and times.

Here is what I have learned:

The soul has no race, ethnicity, or culture. It comes here to experience those things and many people have lived thousands of lives all over the globe on every continent and in every culture.

Most people in our lives we have met in a past life either as a casual acquaintance or a close relationship. We have lived thousands of lives, so we have likely met most people before. Not all relationships are karmic, but many will have a sense of familiarity from a past life.

Some have had only a few lifetimes here or this lifetime on Earth is their first. It used to be rare, but now new beings are here in larger numbers to assist us on earth during this time. They are beings of other realms who are incarnating to assist us in creating a new way to the future.

Before we are born, we make karmic contracts to be completed. We can end them at any time in this lifetime, and they don’t even have to be fulfilled to be completed! If you feel you are fulfilling an old karmic contract that is difficult or harmful, you don’t have to go through with it. You can grow out of it and leave it behind. You don’t have to be with, live with, or continue to be connected to anyone you don’t want to for any reason. This is the land of free will and even our karmic contracts (the deals we made before coming into this lifetime) are at will and not obligatory.

Fate, Destiny, and the Soul’s Plan

The soul plans before being incarnated with each lifetime. Your soul decided where to be born, to whom, and when. You decided who to meet, marry, or how you want to live before you came here. The soul keeps track and manifests the plan unless you consciously work to change the plan. The soul’s plan can be considered like fate, a preordained life experience. Changing the soul’s plan activates your destiny. Your destiny is the potential you can reach if you choose to change your fate.

For example, you may have decided to grow up on a farm and live your whole life farming before you were born. Once here, you may feel the farming life experience is completed, and you shift into your potential as an artist. This shift breaks out of the path of fate and into the path of destiny. By leaving your fate behind, your soul evolves into experiencing something new. This breaks your karmic contracts and karmic cycles to start a new and extraordinary path in your soul’s evolution.

Shifting out of fate and into destiny is not an easy road for most people. But knowing your soul’s past makes it much easier. Just knowing what was before which created the origins of where you are now can be healing. Adding to that, practices that release unconscious programming from the ancient past can be life changing.

Soul Memory Reenactments

Past lives profoundly affect this lifetime. We carry the memory of all of them on the soul level, which is operating unconsciously. The soul is the record keeper and remembers everything. It knows all the lifetimes, all the places you have been, and people you have met. It remembers every trauma and joy back to the first lifetime on Earth.

Not all things that we experience are karmic or fate. Sometimes what repeats in this lifetime is not a karmic event but a soul memory reenactment. The soul sometimes repeats what it is familiar with at various stages of life. Perhaps it has a past-life memory of a war injury that caused a broken leg at age twenty. Then, at age twenty in this lifetime, you could experience another leg injury or even leg pain that has no medical reason. This is what I call a phantom pain brought about by the soul remembering the trauma of the past. This is the simplest thing to heal when doing a past life reading since it has no attachment to a karmic cycle or life lesson experience.

I had a 50-year-old client who had pain in her neck, shoulders, and back since she was in her twenties. She had spent decades going to doctors, and chiropractors and on pain medications. When I did a reading on it, I could see a terrible torture device on her neck and heavy on her shoulders. She was tortured this way in a past life and the memory of that horrific experience was showing up again as an energetic memory that still caused pain. I could get the information she needed about it and then, with Spirit’s help, release it instantly. After decades of pain, it vanished in one reading. This is not an uncommon instance, but like many I have had over my time working with past lives.

When we come into this lifetime, our soul remembers what happened in previous lives and can repeat them by manifesting a similar experience. This is not just physical injuries, but relationships that come up from the unconscious pattern of the soul. We can repeat negative relationships as we go through our lives not as a karmic plan but because it is familiar to our soul’s memory. When we examine past lives, we can easily heal, clear, or release these complicated relationships. We can even end cycles of abuse.

During past life readings, I have traveled back to the origin of the relationship’s pain to find both sides of the story. With that understanding, we find peace and healing. I did a session on a dysfunctional mother-daughter relationship. I saw them during a time hundreds of years ago when they were similarly toxic. The abuse of the mother to her child still echoed in other forms to this lifetime. We searched for meaning in her abuse and saw that the mother was starved and abandoned as a child. Going deeper, over every aspect of the relationship, and the reasons behind it, we can find the place of forgiveness. This brings healing to all parties and ends the karmic cycle. Creating an opening for my client to start a fresh path of destiny and leave behind her fate.

Healing the Soul

The soul does not need healing, it is whole and perfect. What we address when doing past life readings and healings is changing the expression of the soul in this lifetime. The greatest healing one can do for one’s soul is simply witnessing what is unconscious, understanding how it is expressing itself currently, and forgiving what was creating a wound in this lifetime. Doing past-life readings for yourself or getting one should offer witnessing, understanding, and forgiveness. This creates a new path forward which completes the repetitive cycles of dysfunction.

There are many techniques to access your past lives and I encourage you to explore what works for you. Some do so with hypnosis, dream work, or Akashic records access. The simplest and most powerful way I have found is through guided meditation, also called journey work. I use journey guided by spirit to take me to the most relevant past life and am always surprised by what appears. I love to teach how to journey to your past lives for healing of the body, balancing relationships, and finding your destiny both privately and in classes.

I am happy to announce my next group class for past lives starting this month! We meet LIVE, on Google Meet on Thursday, February 16 at 5:30pm Pacific Time. More info here: The Power of Past Lives — Janet Kadow or read below.

“The Power of Past Lives” class is scheduled to run for 12 weeks and will be one hour each session.

Please contact me if you are interested, text or call 619.866.4405, email

OR sign up using Venmo or PayPal @janetkadow by midnight, Thursday, February 8th for a discount rate of $323 for the entire 12 weeks!

The last day to register is by midnight Tuesday, February 13 for $375 for the entire 12 weeks!

The classes are recorded for those who must miss a session, but class participation is preferred.

All levels of spiritual experience are welcome!



Janet Kadow

Teacher and writer of inspirational living, spiritual development, and connecting with Spirit.