Manifesting with Spirit Guides

Janet Kadow
5 min readMar 16, 2023


Live the life of your dreams by getting all you need before you even know you need it

Photo by Cat Crawford on Unsplash

Prayers, candles, incense, and smudge. Following the moon cycles and aligning your essence to your intention or kneeling amongst parishioners on a holy day. A quiet ceremony under the moonlight or an altar set up amid clutter. Gathering in a forest meadow or an urban park. A desperate prayer after a night of indulgence or by the bedside of a loved one. A chant that echos through a cathedral or drum that harmonizes with the Earth’s rhythm. All ways of spirituality have an avenue connected to the heart of Divinity.

In prayer and ceremony, we are reminded that we are not alone. We do not have to shoulder every burden alone. There are blessings, gifts, and miracles to ease our burdens, soothe our minds, and settle our hearts. It is enough to ask through a holy ceremony or a prayer by a commode in a pub.

If it is a sincere request and you genuinely hand it over to Spirit, you will always get what you ask for.

There are some caveats, of course. Divinity adheres to Sacred Law, and they will not fulfill any request that is out of integrity with those laws. Nevertheless, understanding the power of Sacred Law is one way that will help you work with Spirit and grow easily on your spiritual path.

There is even more to getting help from Divinity than that. More ways to make your life easier before asking through prayer and ceremony. We need some things we did not even know we needed before the crisis.

We can ask them to give us what we need before we need it.

How would your life be if you were provided for before an emergency or holy day? What if Divinity came to escort you through life and helped you before the crisis? Gave you what you needed before you even knew you needed it?

Photo by Drew Colins on Unsplash

One day I was teaching a class where we had a meditation led by my Spirit Guide. During the journey, we were all standing on a beach. I could see this vision very clearly. I could see my Guide on the beach with us. He told everyone that there was a treasure in the sand for us. I watched as they all looked around and picked up their treasure. Then I saw my Guide pick something up out of the sand. He walked over to me and held it out. He was holding in his hand a little Matchbox-sized SUV. Holding his palm out flat, he said, “This is for you, but you must accept it.” I shrugged and said, “Okay, I accept.” Then he handed it to me.

We finished the journey, and I didn’t think much of it, even though it was unusual for him to address me during a class for others. And it was strange to get this gift from him, but like with all my work with him, I have a wait-and-see attitude. So, I waited to see what it meant over time. I hadn’t been shopping for or trying to manifest a car. So, I gave it no more thought.

One week later, my ex-husband called me out of the blue and said he wanted to buy me a car. Then he sent me a photo from the dealership, and it was the exact car that my Guide, White Eagle, handed me in miniature during that vision on the beach.

Spirit had never given me something I hadn’t asked for before. That experience made me dig deeper into all the ways Spirit will help us manifest.

Their role is to help us have the life that we dream of or a life that is even ten times better than we could dream of having.

In other words, we can choose any path we like, live any way we want and hold any belief system. If we ask them, they can escort us along the way, anticipating and providing what we need before we even ask.

Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST on Unsplash

All we need is an acute awareness of our hidden beliefs and an understanding of the ways of Divinity. Then, being escorted by Spirit to make your life free of barriers and clearing the pathway to the life of your dreams is easy to do. It is also what Spirit’s dearest wish is. Spirit wishes for you to live a life of joy. Not a life of devotion or sacrifice, not a life of service or solitude. A life of joy.

Their wish is for you to live a life of joy, and their job is to help you do so.

Yet, since the first Sacred Law is the Law of Free Will, they cannot supersede your desires. If you have a hidden desire to do something out of spite, jealousy, or harm, they cannot overpower that and will not support it. You need to understand your intentions and dig deep into what they are, to know if what you asked for is out of alignment with Sacred Law. If your will is blocking your desire, Spirit cannot take the lead. Your will is the law of the land on Earth.

Spirit can only do what we allow them to do for us.

In other words, this may not work if the wounded ego is in the way. Because of all the unknown blocks in the subconscious, this straightforward request for an escort through life can become complicated.

So let’s get into it.

Although I cannot give all the practices and insights to help you do this in a single article, I can offer a class. It will include all I know about manifesting with Spirit, and we will get new information directly from my Guide.

“Manifesting with Spirit Guides to Live the Life of Your Dreams”

We start on Tuesday, April 4, at 5pm Pacific time. In one hour every Tuesday for six weeks, you will get all you need to know to manifest with Spirit to live the life of your dreams. We meet on Google Meet using a link or a phone number. More information here: Upcoming Events, Classes and more! — Janet Kadow



Janet Kadow

Teacher and writer of inspirational living, spiritual development, and connecting with Spirit.