Messages on Repeat

Janet Kadow
2 min readJan 22, 2023


If you notice the same message is coming over and over from the Spirit or the universe, it is because you didn’t integrate it or understand it the first time(s).

When you get the sign or insight more than once: sit quietly and allow its meaning to be received. Make sure you understand what it means to you. Feel it in your heart, mind, and body. Then put it into practice and make it real by following through or writing about it.

At first, many new channels will only get one message from their Guides or hear the same message repeatedly. Then get bored because they feel their Guide needs to give them more. Many a new channeler quits trying to connect because of this.

The guides will only change the message once the message is utilized.

Getting the message is different than accepting, integrating, or understanding the message. If your Guide says, "I love you," you may think, "yeah, I know," and want to move on. Your Guide will repeat saying "I love you" until you know, feel and accept the love from them.

Photo by Janet Kadow at Loretto Chapel

Spirit Guides aren't here to give you messages to save the world. They are here to provide you with messages for you to live the life you want to live. So accept, integrate and use the blessing they are offering.



Janet Kadow

Teacher and writer of inspirational living, spiritual development, and connecting with Spirit.